Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break at the Cabin

We spent the tail end of spring break in heaven, Groom Creek, AZ.
I guess this is what spring is like for most of the country. The snow is melting, little streams running and the weather perfect. Even though it is very nice at home right now it was nice to get away.

We took the baby chick and duck up with us. Duck enjoyed swimming in the creek. It looks so grown up.

Ron and the big kids could only stay a couple of days. I must not have been in photo mode while they were around.

Our week was full of picnics and games.

I love this picture of Heather in a snowball fight, barefoot!

I got a bit of sewing done from my favorite spot on the porch.


  1. You took your chick and duck to the cabin? Haha that's the best! Picnics, swinging, snow angles, and even barefoot snowball fights, love it all. I bet your kids had a blast.

    p.s. you have awesome feet, how come I didn't get those?

  2. Sounds like a fantastic Spring Break at the cabin! What a wonderful place for your family to spend time together, indoors and out!
